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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Benefits of greek yogurt you may not know.

Greek yogurt is a type of yogurt that has been filtered out whey or liquid in regular yogurt. This results in a yogurt with a thicker and more viscous texture than normal yogurt, which is a characteristic of Greek yogurt. In addition, has a higher

How to eat to feel full and least hungry.

When losing weight, there are only enemies waiting to harm your determination, especially hungry that always gets in the way of our weight loss. And this hunger makes us lose our will to grab all the food, snacks, and milk available to eat all the

Healthy menu from cantaloupe.

Cantaloupe is a fruit that is not too sweet and is easy to find. You can eat it fresh or use it as an ingredient in various dishes such as desserts or salads. It has a fragrant smell and a sweet taste. It is rich